UTAH DUI Process 102
Write A Narrative As Soon As Possible And Take Digital Pictures Of The Arrest Site !
Help yourself. Period. It costs you nothing to put down in writing, exactly what you remember happening; every single facet of the stop and the arrest and the subsequent breath test. Real life example? 27 yr. old male student arrested and ultimately blew a .18 with good field sobriety tests, thought he was screwed, and he was, except for one small fact – he had thrown up before the breath test. This ended up invalidating the breath test, without which the state had nothing, and the case was dismissed. Writing a narrative helps me help you by giving you a free consultation that is accurate and can give you some idea of how your case might progress. Taking digital pictures, especially in the winter months, is especially important because snow and ice conditions can effect the roads and sidewalks where standardized field sobriety tests are performed, and thus affect the outcome of the arrest; if the tests weren’t performed on a dry section of roadway, there is no way they can be scored properly and a Utah DUI Lawyer may get the court to dismiss the arrest and thus the case!
Be sure to start your narrative as soon as possible while your memory is still fresh. This information can be crucial to you and your dui attorney. Your narrative should include the following information:
- The last meal you had, and what time you ate
- What you had to drink
- How much you had to drink, over what period of time
- At what point you got into your vehicle
- Why you were pulled over
- The entire conversation with the officer/officers (from the time you were pulled over until you were released)
- Describe the field tests, the breathalyzer test
- Any other details you can remember about the event (even if you think that they are unimportant).