If You Are Normal You Will Have Emotional Swings That May Convince You That You Are Going Crazy: Don’t rush off to the doctor just yet for that prescription for sleeping pills and anti-depressants (which at least one client did which led to another DUI a week later). Instead, accept that you made a mistake, the system is largely unfair, the machines are inaccurate and mood swings are a normal part of the process unfortunately. Do exercise, eat regularly, consider buying some Melatonin (a natural sleep aid) to help you go to sleep, exercise again, and avoid eating before bedtime (it won’t help you go to sleep). You should take the time to take pictures of the site where the stop occurred, start a journal or narrative that will ultimately be handed over to only your lawyer that notes everything you can remember (don’t be surprised if things come back to you in “spurts” because the adrenaline accompanying the stop has a habit of knocking out the conversion of short term to long term memory. Since you don’t know what is important and what is not, see our post (APP INSERT LINK HERE TO : Writing A Helpful Narrative For Your Lawyer) within the site instructing you on how to write a complete narrative – this is by far the most helpful thing you can do and believe it or not it will help stop (historically) the anxiety that comes from flashbacks. Don’t tell anyone at work, don’t Facebook it, don’t Snapchat or use any web based program that can be used against you later (either in court or by other employees who don’t like you as much as you think they do. Make no mistake about it, in Utah a DUI can be the kiss of death for employment and that’s especially true if you are licensed by DOPL (APP: Install Link Here that Goes to : “Utah DUI and DOPL Licensing) or belong to the military directly (you are enlisted) or indirectly (you hold a security clearance from the government of at least Secret) (APP: Install Link here that goes to page “Utah DUI’s and Government Security Clearances Or Military Enlistment“). If either of these situations exist, stop what you are doing and call me directly because you need attorney protection from the start: 435-714-0376.
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