Inaccurate Breath Testing Results In Utah Are The Result Of Inaccurate Intoxilyzer Machines And Improper Calibration Techniques Used By Utah Law Enforcement Do Breath Tests Really Underestimate Blood Alcohol Concentration?13(2) Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 120 (Mar-Apr 1989), … [Read more...] about Inaccuracy of Intoxilyzer Results
DMV Procedures
Improper Blood Storage and High BAC Levels
How Improper Blood Storage Techniques Employed By Utah Law Enforcement May Lead To Increased Levels Of Alcohol In Sample Dave's Plain Language Summary: Blood draws are unquestionably the most accurate way to measure ethanol (alcohol) concentrations in humans and mammals, however, because the … [Read more...] about Improper Blood Storage and High BAC Levels
Utah DUI Absorption and Elimination Rates
Why Individual Alcohol Absorption and Elimination Rates Make Intoxilyzer Breath Testing Unacceptably Inaccurate (Article Written by: Kevin Trombole) PLAIN ENGLISH PROLOGUE, by David E. Rosenbloom, Esq. : Dubowski is the undisputed father of modern American breath testing for alcohol; in … [Read more...] about Utah DUI Absorption and Elimination Rates
The DUI Process
DUI Criminal and Civil Procedure Is More Important Than The Truth! There . . ., I said it - DUI procedure both civil and criminal is more important than the truth, or facts of the case. You have no idea what you are in for unless you have been in trouble before, and even then; court and DMV … [Read more...] about The DUI Process
FAQ and Top 10 Most Common DUI Mistakes
Utah DUI Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Will I be able to get my Driving Under The Influence (DUI) case dismissed because I was not read my Miranda rights? A: NO! But if you were interrogated after being placed in custody, your statements can not be used against you. Q: What is the chance of … [Read more...] about FAQ and Top 10 Most Common DUI Mistakes
Observations on Interpretation of Blood Alcohol Levels derived from analysis of Urine
this is a great article discussing the use of blood alcohol levels derived from urine. Here is an excerpt from the article: For many years it has been customary to derive blood alcohol concentrations from the analysis of urine, and despite the fact that the accuracy of such derivations has often … [Read more...] about Observations on Interpretation of Blood Alcohol Levels derived from analysis of Urine